John Weiss, MMQ, RSMT
Medical Qigong and Movement
Therapist and Teacher

QI DAY - DANCE PARTY 2018 (Vancouver)
Jim Deva Plaza 1200 Bute Street in the West End
Qi Day - A Celebration of Movement in all it's Forms
Sunday, September 16th from 2pm - 6pm
Qi Day is an organized event founded in 2016 by Jacob Larmour and Caroline MacGillivray to promote awareness and increase educational opportunities for the general public to learn about the healing aspects of Qi (Life Force Energy) and TCM. Over the past 3 years, we have introduced and supported over 1,000 people with classes, treatments and information. We would love to have you come and join us for this special version of Qi Dance as we celebrate movement from the ancient practice of Qigong as well as you own free-form version to dive in deeper.
During this FREE public event, participants can try Qigong classes and dialogue with professional teachers and healers in the many options to support one’s own healing journey based in the principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
All Qigong classes will include opportunities to explore your own unique movements done to music. The current schedule is as follows (subject to change as we finalize the details)
Qi Dance Leaders:
John Weiss, MMQ 2:30-3:30pm Easy Groove and Flow
Jacob Larmour, MMQ 3:30-4:30pm Mid-tempo Madness
Caroline MacGillivray, MMQ 4:30-5:30pm Shake it out!
Information Station for info about classes, workshops, practitioners and helpful tips to support your healing journey.